West Hampstead Multi-Modal Interchange

West Hampstead Multi-Modal Interchange

Employer: Laing Rail

Project Value: £1m

Duration: 24 months

West Hampstead Muti Modal InterchangeThis feasibility study considered the restraints, options, practicality, benefits and costs of providing a rail passenger priority connection between four existing rail corridors whilst improving the interchange with other modes. The c. £100m solution included the slewing of the LUL lines and a Chiltern line to enable construction of a new Chiltern island platform, rafts over the running lines to support the interchange and an estimated £1Bn regeneration to fund the proposition.

The scope of work managed included timetable modelling, passenger demand modelling, construction methodology, engineering feasibility study, master plan development, property study and engagement with TfL, London Borough of Camden, potential investors and local community groups.

West Hampstead Muti Modal Interchange

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